Shipping Policy
Shipping Policy
For the items you purchase in our store, we will provide you with the most convenient shipping method. Some of the items will be delivered from our Amazon warehouse to you if the item you bought is in store. However, if the Amazon warehouses are out of stock, we will ship directly from our factory, which means a longer shipping time will be caused. However, we will try our best to replenish the supply at Amazon warehouses.
Estimated Shipping Time | Location | Warehouse |
3-7 business days | HongKong,Taiwan | China |
7-15 business days | Japan, IndiaIndonesia,Malaysia,Philippine,Singapore | China |
3-7 business days | United States | Amazon Logistics (FBA) |
3-7 business days | Europe,Germany,Italy,France,UK,Spain | Amazon Logistics (FBA) |
7-15 business days | Mexico,Canada,Australia | China |
Scope of transportation: USA, Germany, Italy, Japan, France, The UK, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, South Korea, Thailand. Your order will be shipped freely to these counties for an unlimited order amount.
All items in store may take 1-3 business days to process. Please add processing time to your shipping estimate below. It takes about 3-10 business days if delivered from your country’s Amazon warehouse.
Here is an estimate of the shipping times from the factory. Due to factors that often affect international shipments, such as holidays, customs, and weather delays, we can only offer an estimate of shipping times.
Note: We are upgrading our logistics and warehousing, and when the upgrade is successful, we will ship to other countries. Especially for Mexico and Australia, when upgrading the warehouse, we will ship locally from the destination.
Important: We are not responsible if a package is undeliverable due to lost, incomplete, or incorrect destination information. Please enter the correct shipping details at checkout. If you realize you have made a mistake, simply email us as soon as possible. However, there is a 48-hour email waiting list, so if your order leaves our warehouse within 72 hours, that is out of our control.
KEMOVE is not responsible for taxes and/or any duties that may arise in the destination country. The customer will be held responsible for any restrictions, duties, taxes and any other fees charged from the destination country.
In no case will KEMOVE be responsible for any duties, taxes, or customs fees.
If the order arrives in your country and…
The customer refuses to accept the package
The number of attempts to ship the parcel to the destination country
KEMOVE reserves the right to abandon the parcel and is not responsible for any refund.